









Dr Aust often wears a standard red poppy for Remembrance Day. Though if white poppies were easier to find I might be tempted to wear both together, as discussed here.

When I wrote at somewhat greater length about Remembrance Day last year, I said (actually in the comments):

“I think most people who stop for a minute or two at 11 o’clock do it precisely to remember all those people swept up by war, many (most?) of whom never had a choice – “ordinary heroes”, if you like. And for me personally that includes the civilian casualties of war too, and the people who mourned the lost – all the victims of war, if you like. Though of course these two groups are not officially remembered on the day. But for me the day and the moment – not the official pomp and trappings – stand for all the lost and damaged of war, as much as anything can.”

And just today I read something else, penned by Dr Phil Yerboots, that brought home this point about all those other lives changed forever by wars.

So if you do want to stop at 11 o’clock, do it for whatever reason seems right to you. There are no rules about remembering.

4 Responses to “Remembering”

  1. Cotswold Canary Says:

    Couldn’t agree more Dr. Every wartime casualty had/has the same impact on the bereaved – the detail of the death doesn’t matter, the loss does…

  2. brainduck Says:

    Quaker meeting-houses will nearly always have a white poppy box. for your nearest.

  3. drphilyerboots Says:

    Dear Dr A,

    Remembrance day is a rather sombre occasion, and hardly glorifies warfare, so I have no particular problem with a Red Poppy. White poppies come from the peace pledge union, an organisation fairly absolutist in it’s pacifism. It was most active in the 1930’s, and foundered on the rock of Nazism. I don’t think many pacifists were left in 1940, though am glad that our country allowed consciencious objectors even in our darkest hour.

    The cycle of war is a very destructive one, with each war seeming to have it’s roots in a previous war. I am heartened that it is rare for democracies to initiate war, and almost unknown for one democracy to attack another.
    Over my lifetime democracies have proliferated. In the long run this is how I see peace proliferating, and why we should not be shy of speaking of it’s benefits. I’m glad you liked my post.

    Dr phil

  4. Jean Tbody Says:

    War is one of the most destructive aspects of ego. It’s the result of a complete misidentification with what we actually are. The always needs to attach it’s identification to something, looks, works, things, country, religion, race etc etc. This results in attachment and aversion, hence war.
    What to do?

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